Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pandoras Box Spoiler (Additional Prizes to be Earned)

More news in on Pandora's Box. It seems that BB has raised the stakes on Pandora's Box. The cash prizes that the HGs won on in the Pandora's Box event were only a teaser leading up to the real and amazing prizes and twists that are in the near future. Pandora's Box is not over. Even though the HGs will be lead to believe it is. Thursday night's episode of BB will be full of ups, downs and twists. Enough to make every viewer wanting more.

Jeff will win something for his kindness of unlocking Kevin and freeing him from Pandora's box. He is going to be given an unprecedented gift. Jeff is guaranteed a spot in the final two. He is also winning an additional $6,000. This is good news for all of you Jeff fans, but wait there is more. There also has to be a replacement HG to be nominated for eviction. BB has thought of that and the key also gives Jeff to offer any HG $100,000 to leave the show and go to the Jury House. This is a very profitable twist to the game for one very lucky HG. It is also rumored that the key may go to a Hybrid that Jeff can drive home with when the show is over.

There is even a twist to Jeff's winnings though. Unknown to Jeff, Kevin will win a Diamond Veto that you may have heard a rumor of. The Diamond Veto will give Kevin the power to trump Jeff's offer and either keep the $100,000 for himself and go to the Jury House, or choose who he wants to go, excluding Jeff, in place of Jeff's decision. This in fact gives Kevin the power to choose who he wants gone. Kevin is also winning an additional $4,000 for his confinement in Pandora's Box. Things are getting interesting, bit more is still on it's way.

BB is not done with this. For all of you BB fans that do not like Natalie, you will enjoy this. For being the greedy one and not trying to free Kevin, Natalie is going to be awarded a Penalty. Natalie is going to receive a cat costume (whiskers, ears, tail and all) to wear for the entirety of her stay in the BB house. To me that is just funny. Who says BB doesn't have a sense of humor.

Other house guests left are also winning prizes of their own. I guess all of the griping, crying, and moaning in the house has paid off. HGs have been saying the more they complain the more they receive.

Michele is going to win a phone call to her hubby and an additional $2,000. Not to shabby if you ask me. Some would say she needs to hear from a friendly voice by now.

Jordan gets maybe the most unusual prize of them all. With all of the publicity if Jordan and her cookie dough obsession Jordan will win a lifetime supply of Pillsbury cookie dough. She is also going to win a contract for an undisclosed amount of money to be a spokes model, doing adds and commercials. It is unknown how long the contract is for, but Jordan will have cookie dough whenever she wants for now on as I see it.

All of these prizes, penalties, and powers are rumored to be awarded Thursday before the live eviction. Big brother is keeping all of the HGs in the dark until then to really mix things up and make them think on their feet. They will all be told of their awards separately before the show. Natalie will not have to start her penalty until the HOH competition if she remains in the house.

BB fans this is a major change to the outcome of the game. HOH will be important next week and everything is going to be more insane in the house than it usually is. Who will win and how will everyone react to the news. I guess you will just have to tune in on Thursday to find out live with everyone else.


  1. LOL...this is pretty inventive. Wonder how many people will fall for it? Well done!

  2. And this is exactly how the rumors get started to begin with. If you want it to be remotely believable, change it to Natalie going to the JH for her being greedy and not looking for the key, that's really want people want, for their hero Jeff to stay and Natalie to leave. Then you have the perfect story. No one wants to see skanky walking around in a cat suit (anyway they already had a banana suit and the unitard this year). You went a little overboard with all the Jeff stuff, even the sick obsessed Jeff fans won't believe all that...or will they? LOL The cookie dough thing for Jordan was a nice touch, but a spokemodel? Lets see how fast goes. People still think the DPOV is gonna fall from the sky anyway.

  3. This is just a bit too over the top to be believable. It's good, but just a little too much.

    Desperate as Jeff fans are to see him stay, a guarantee for the F2 is too much. Try toning it down a little to something more along these lines.....

    "Learning from their past mistakes, i.e., Chima, Big Brother will give Jeff another chance to turn the game on its head, but will give Kevin the much speculated Diamond Power of Veto to use at his discretion to counter Jeff's decision.

    Kevin will also be rewarded with an additional $5,000 for sharing the Pandora's Box prize with the entire house. As a reward for his generous act of releasing Kevin, Big Brother will award Jeff an additional $5,000 that he will be allowed to offer to any of the House Guests to take his place on the block. The House Guests are allowed to pool their money in this one instance which could potentially net the replacement nominee as much as $20,000 to be Jeff's replacement; however, with his Diamond Power of Veto, Kevin will be allowed to Veto the deal leaving his nominations, Jeff and Jordan, intact and allowing the House Guest that accepted the bribe to keep the money."

    The rest of the prizes/penalties, while amusing, are too much to add this late in the show. We're on a 14 day countdown and I don't expect Big Brother is going to go that far.

    It may be believable that the House Guests would be allowed to purchase these sorts of prizes with their winnings from the Pandora's Box competition, but not too likely to occur in addition to.

  4. The whole thing is bunk. Interesting, but total horse crap.

  5. While there are pieces and parts of this rumor *spoiler* whatever it is, that I have read in different BBsites on the web. I believe that if Jeff is evicted, regardless of how strongly the "Jeff-lover" Haters are trying to denounce it as bunk, CBS will experience a ratings fall that is unprecedented.

    I also believe that if a Final2 of Gnat/Kevin happens, there won't be half the revenue from the America's Jury Vote phone calls as there would be with any combination of the other 3 HG's.(America's CHOICE however, with Jeff & Jordan in the jury would still get many phone votes.)

    If Gnat/Kevin in F2 I believe viewership for the next season will be much lower than BB has ever experienced..who wants to start to watch a show in which the prize might be rewarded to a filthy, stinking, liar like Gnat?

    At this point the damage is almost already done, even though Jeff has not been evicted, yet. Tonight's (Tuesday) show better be some kick-ass sh*t or for a lot of people, that's it. The polls saying people won't watch anymore IF he's evicted are all in the 60-80 percentile. Big Brother is on the precipice of losing it ALL, in a week. I believe they WILL pull out the stops attempting to create excitement, twists, save Jeff, keep their golden couple Jeff & Jordan, penalize Kevin for welching on his deal, maliciously spreading a lie with Gnat (aided by the Diary Room), and ending in Gnat's eviction so she can go be with Jessie.

    One final note...I will be interested to learn just how many people Realplayer Superpass loses as people everywhere cancel their feeds. NOBODY wants to sit and watch GNAT do or say anything. They don't want to see Kevin or Michele either. Jordan has many fans, but one sweet pretty girl is not enough for the masses to continue to pay for feeds. In just my case, I have kept RealPlayer Superpass straight through from Season 7. That's quite a bit of money they have received & will lose in the future should I cancel; however, I'm just one person. Are there 10 people who feel the same way I do? You bet! Are there 100? Absolutely! At what point does that start to HURT, Realplayer?

    I don't know just how cocky Alison Grodner et al are about the survivability(?) of BB11 and future seasons if this happens. I suppose we'll see Thursday. The backlash will be tremendous as fact, after fact, come out..videos from the feeds of Gnat/Kevin/Lydiot trying to find a lie(of course Gnat wants a lie) that Jeff would buy, which ultimately splinters the other foursome. Then Lydiot comes skipping out of the Diary Room and says "they say they are going to help us, because they think we are fun".FISH But the FISH were too late production, we heard her say that you would help the evil trio break up the other foursome. Now..did they know it would eventually lead to Jeff's eviction, probably not, but Russell was a direct victim of the LIE. Jeff believing Kevin about the LIE, the Diary Room selling it to Jeff, and Jeff's continued belief that Kevin was all things right and true (remember Production allowed the line to remain in Kevin's HOH letter from his bf about Kevin being GENUINE?) led Jeff to believe the deal that if Jeff used the VETO on Kevin that Kevin wouldn't put him on the block in any way. Makes me think that A.G., etc. might rethink having live feeds at all if the public is going to realize that the Diary Room causes evictions..and the eviction of the most popular player? No good can come of that.

    Sorry to write so much. We will certainly know in the next 72 hours..I'm heartsick waiting.

  6. Over the top? Take out the Jordan thing, please cookie dough for the rest of her life? And a spokeswoman for what? Jenny Craig? I'm not trying to be a hater I'm just being honest! But, if Jeff goes I go, this season will be over for me. But please somebody pull the string on the human Tampoon that is Natalie. What is it with that name and Big Brother, this one is worse than season 9. I'm D U N done!

  7. LOL @tempteroffate....thats not bad at all. Now put it on a twitter feed, (or maybe you should contact CBS and consider writing for them!!) and we'll time how fast it becomes a legitimate rumor. The first one is already being called "official" if you can believe that ROFL. I've never understood the obsessive behavior over BB hg's, pretty pathetic IMHO. Not sure how Jeff's leaving translates to Natalie winning, but some people have taken this Jeff thing a weeeee bit too far. He's not a demi-god for crying out loud!

  8. I agree with LetsJustDance. Many of us will not continue to watch the show when Jeff leaves. Why? Because for us there will be nothing of interest left. Let's face it... Natalie and Kevin are not exciting to watch. Natalie's idea of "looking cute" is equivalent to Rosie O'Donnell being photographed by the tabloids at the grocery store.

    I have heard people indicating that they don't like the idea of CBS influencing "the game" and that interfering is like cheating. Well, people, CBS is a network that is, and should be, more influenced by ratings. Killing off their ratings is not good for business. Making the game exciting and keeping the most charismatic character is much better for the show and will help to promote future seasons.

  9. This is just mean. It's like my dream come true.

  10. BB needs to get nasty gnat out. Sure BB is a game, but helping kevin and her to advance the way they have is not sportsman-like in any game, just the way they allowed e.dick to harass the house and win the game. This may play for ratings but it doesn't play well to a good many folks who do enjoy the game. And why would BB allow Kevin to win a "Diamond Power"? What has he done except to align himself with a winch who has done nothing but manipulate him and other house guests? CBS needs to add more to the game that fosters competiveness rather than hatred. Its a shame that this game has evolved into this level...hatefulness, greed and fish. Just watching the feeds lets you know how vile humans turn just for money.

  11. Gnat should be put in a rat costume.Cat is too good for her!

  12. O M G!! LMFAO!! This is hilarious, who ever wrote this up is VERY Creative.. THANKS for the laugh :)

  13. You guys are hillarious. shame on you. Jeff is disgusting and he was rude to michelle. Jeff does not deserve anymore golden eggs. Natalie and Kevin have no powers over Jeff the dummie. America chose the Fool. You should watch what you say about people because it tells the true story of youself. Natalie plays the BB game. BB wants liars and schemers. Jeff was a whatever guy. He left Kevin for the money also, then returned the same way Natalie did. They both deserve a penalty and Jeff deserves EVICTION

  14. Nat plays the BB game? At what point did she ever play the game? She has done nothing...nothing at all this whole season. On the same token so has Jordan. Jeff took out the two biggest threats granted one of them was because the people gave him power. Michelle made Chima break down and get kicked. Kevin backstabbed Jeff. If Jeff goes i think Kevin and Michelle are the only ones deserving to be in the final 2. And that will lead to Kevin like him or not getting the Votes to win it all because of the Jury house.

  15. This is precisely the kind of sh*t that AG loes to see happening - imagine someone posting a fake blog just to get people going, however they went to far with their imagination and it ended up being unbelievable. Would have been a great rumor if they had scaled back their imagination a tad. LOL Good ideas though. Thanks for the laugh, I had actually mentioned that it would be hysterical if Kev was able to change his nominations after watching Nat ignore him and pick up money. Would love to have seen her face if he did that. PRICELESS!!! Too little too late.

  16. Whether we like it or not, lies and deceit are part of the BB game. In this season there appears to be more contrived fabrication than in the past. How many HGs can hear Nat's lies and see her actions, yet not call her out or see the light? I for one would love to see a unique twist this Thursday, involving any combination of scenarios that have been suggested. I too am a Jeff fan and would like to see him saved. But he did trust a bit too much in the house and he put himself in this situation by believing the plotters. In all fairness though, he did get the strongest players out (Yes he did get the power handed to him but he earned all those votes. Is it any different than Jessie going into the house as HOH without competing for it?)and did so through "conventional" tactics. His downfall was believing his enemies and cutting off his friends (alliance members).

  17. If even 1% of this turns out to be true, I will be one happy camper...

  18. no one should automtically be given F2. Those comps are the fun part and should include the F3. There is one endurance one that can really be enduring! (for lack of a better word). The rest, Fairy Tales do come true but they are all BULL! I want BB to end fair and make the hgs earn F2, not by being popular or b/c bored housewives find jeff a dream. He farts stinky, ask Jordan! Cookie dough aside, Jordan a spokeperson? No one understands half of what she says and who wants someone doing cookie dough fixes? She needs to play the game harder and respect herself more and not depend on anyone to carry her. Do no put Nat in a cat costume! My cats are so offended. Just get her the F out of the house. She was horrible last night drinking alcohol while putting down and making fun of everyone else. I fast forwarded BBAD. Boring! Just let the HGs play like in the other BBs. No one should be given so much for doing so little! If viewers want these scenerios, there are plenty of soap operas they can watch.

  19. My dream would be to have BB show all the HG's in the BB and Jury houses clips ALL of Natalie's lies during the live show. Watch that little B****H squirm. That would be the best laugh for me. All I can say now is go Michelle, since she has played the best game of the remaining houseguests and has suffered so much torment and disparaging remarks from all of them.

  20. I'm rooting for it all to be true. LOL

  21. I kind of believe it. I mean they got the cash numbers right a day before BB revealed them on the show.
